Wednesday 14 December 2011

Preliminary Task 2

14/12/12 update

In my media lesson on the 14th of December 2011, i had to make improvements to my work based on the feedback from my peers and teacher. Most of the feedback made me realised that i needed to make the text on my front cover visible and make a contents page becasue when i presented the front cover, i dint have my contents page with me. What I've done is i designed my contents page and while douing this i tried to keep a consistent house style keeping the same colours on my front cover and contents page.

Monday 12 December 2011

12/12/11 Update

Last week I presented my preliminary task to my teacher and classmates. My teacher and classmates analysed my cover for the preliminary task and below are the results from my classmates as my teacher's report was put on my report and I got feedback from my classmates to update it on to my blogg and develop from where i went wrong on my preliminary task.

My classmates mentioned that:
  • Magazine cover was good and near professional quality
  • I used good colours and kept a consistent house style
  • Good simplistic layout
  • Target audience easily identified
  • My magazine cover was different from the type of genres my classmates made (most of them were post 16 magazine cover and mine was a music school magazine cover)
  • The test on the cover was not visible and one of my classmates suggested that i add a black stroke to the text to make it visible.
  • There was a bit of much empty space on my cover.

On the day of the presentation, i had forgotten my usb memory stick which had my front cover and contents page so what I told the class and my teacher is that I would upload the finished front cover and the contents page.

Friday 2 December 2011

Media Studies for the past 2 weeks

The reason why my blog isn't up to date is because I've been missing lessons due to clashes and what I know so far is that we are designing a school magazine front cover which I've done and will be up soon. If any on my class mates read this blog could you comment and fill me in on what I've been missing as its important.