Friday 18 November 2011

Preliminary task

This week I've been researching and designing my own school magazine using Adobe In Design. I have no experience in using this programme so the standard won't be that high but i was willing to try and adjust to using this programme and Mr Wallis, a teacher from my school just taught me through the basics of this programme. He taught me how to fit images, stroke text's (outline) etc. Above is my design for a magazine i called Schools Illustrated and you can see how much I've learnt and having missed some lessons due to clashes on my timetable.


  1. Good Chris, get into the habit of blogging after each session or when you are working on your coursework.
    Focus on what you were aiming to achieve, how you went about it, how you changed / solved problems - what did you learn?

  2. Where is last week's update? Why are you skipping lessons?
